Well-maintained facilities create a safe working environment, reduces energy output costs, and makes all business functions run smoothly and efficiently. Professional facility management also ensures the premises and environment is safe. Precautions are preventative steps needed to be taken by facility team and staff at facility premises to prevent the environment and building crises.


What all precautionary measures Client’s Facilities team needs to take to avoid no damage is done to the Environmental :


The safety measures and procedures provided by the various rules and guidelines are designed to aid in maintaining a safe and healthful work and harmless to the environment.


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Hazardous Chemicals

  • Chemical bottles and containers should appropriately labeled
  • Written Standard Operating Procedures should maintained in each client’s facility team
  • A Chemical Hygiene Plan is maintained in each department and should follow it

These requirements ensure that faculty and staff are aware of the protective measures and methods in place to protect employees and environment from the hazards of working with chemicals, biological material and animal carcasses.


Environmental Management

Environmental management indicates systematic approach to finding practical ways for saving water, energy, and materials, and reducing negative environmental impacts. Environmental concerns are addressed by Facilities Management and EHS (Environment, Health, and Safety), which oversees programs required under the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, and the Toxic Substances Control Act. The Departments also maintain the proper permits as may be required under these Acts.


Clean Air Implementation Plans

Clean Air Implementation includes overall air quality planning, monitoring harmful pollutant levels in air, regulating source mobile and stationary emission sources, and financing programs to meet federally determined standards.The basic aim of air pollution management is to derive a clean air implementation plan which consists of the following elements:

  • meteorology and socioeconomic
  • emissions inventory
  • comparison with emission standards
  • air pollutant concentrations inventory
  • simulated air pollutant concentrations
  • comparison with air quality standards
  • inventory of effects on public health and the environment
  • causal analysis
  • control measures
  • cost of control measures
  • cost of public health and environmental effects
  • analysis of cost-benefit
  • transportation and land-use planning
  • projections for the future on population, traffic, industries and fuel consumption
  • strategies for follow-up


Hazard Analysis

In Hazard analysis ,the properties of the materials and reagents to be utilized are abstracted. Accordingly, appropriate local measures and procedures are enacted to minimize risks to safe levels.


Chemical Hygiene Plan

The OSHA Laboratory Standard defines a Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) as “a written program developed and implemented by the employer which sets forth procedures, equipment, personal protective equipment and work practices that are capable of protecting employees from the health hazards presented by hazardous chemicals used in that particular workplace.” “Where hazardous chemicals as defined by this standard are used in the workplace, the employer shall develop and carry out the provisions of a written Chemical Hygiene Plan. A CHP that is facility specific can assist in promoting a culture of safety to protect employees from exposure to hazardous materials.
emergency preparedness and facility security issues

  • personal apparel and PPE
  • chemical management
  • laboratory housekeeping
  • standard operating procedures
  • emergency action plan for accidents and spills
    safety equipment
  • chemical waste policies
  • required training
  • safety rules and regulations
  • facility design and laboratory ventilation
  • medical and environmental monitoring
  • compressed gas safety
  • laboratory equipment
  • biological safety, and
  • radiation safety


Chemical Waste

Chemical waste is a waste that is made from harmful chemicals. All chemical waste must be stored and disposed of in compliance with applicable federal, state, local, and institutional regulatory requirements. Waste containers should be properly labeled and should be the minimum size that is required.


What all precautionary measures Client’s Facilities team needs to take to avoid no damage is done to the Building premises :

Fire Alarm Policy

The fire alarm gives an early warning of the threat and allows enough time to evacuate the premises and call the authorities before the fire gets out of control. Fire alarms are important part of any construction site or business and there are even laws stating that every business, small or large, must have a fire alarm system.


Computer Aided Facilities Management

CAFM will give facilities managers the required tools to become more proactive instead of reactive to facilities’ requirements and enable better decision making during critical situations. It Improves safety and environmental planning capabilities, reducing risk from accident and regulatory compliance violations.


Emergency Safety Equipment

The following is a guide to safety equipment :

  • The plan includes procedures for evacuation, ventilation failure, first aid, and incident reporting.
  • A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations.
  • Eyewash units should be available, inspected, and tested on a regular basis.
  • Fire blankets should be available, as required. Fire blankets can be used to wrap a burn victim to douse flames as well as to cover a shock victim and to provide a privacy shield when treating a victim under a safety shower in the event of a chemical spill.
  • First-aid equipment is a primary and very essential kit.
  • Fire alarms and telephones should be available and accessible for emergency use.


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As the building is opened the keys are turned over to the janitorial or housekeeping staff for interior “cleaning” and maintenance. Using environment friendly cleaning products and incorporating safer methods to clean buildings provides for better property asset management and a healthier workplace. Grounds maintenance and proper cleaning of exterior surfaces are also essential to an impressive and effective overall facility maintenance and cleaning program. Janitorial/Cleaning is important because it provides:

  • Green cleaning
  • A more productive workforce
  • Saves time and money
  • A healthier environment
  • Workforce morale improves
  • Professional cleaners provide experience and expertise
  • Proper tools and equipment
  • Avoid future damage control to the facility


Employee Safety Training Program

Newly hired employees should be required to attend basic safety training prior to their first day. It also helps the employees to recognize safety hazards and correct them. It enables them to find out best safety practices and expectations. Safety training is all the more important for organizations like hospitals and construction companies that use hazardous materials and equipment.


Prevent falling objects

The most common injuries workers suffer from falling objects are bruises, fractures, strains, and sprains. The objects that commonly fall range from large items such as roof trusses and steel beams to small items such as fasteners and small hand tools. Protections such as a toe board, toe rail or net can help prevent objects from falling and hitting workers or equipment.


Think long-term

Facility management should be more than a one-time initiative – it should continue through monitoring and auditing. It is very necessary to keep records, maintain a regular walkthrough inspection schedule, report hazards and train employees to help.

By- Prajkta Watekar